Reflecting on the Month

Ruby Bautista
2 min readNov 4, 2020

Going out to hunt for issues still scare me a bit. Ironically, I find it easier to communicate with people face to face than I do online. This rather puts me in a difficult position given the planet’s current situation 😓. I’ll need to overcome this trepidation with communicating with strangers over the internet. The bad first experience with Rico really made me reluctant to look for any more projects. I have so much to learn and I was getting overwhelmed. The next pull request with OpenRefine was more bearable. The help and hints from the members in the comments were of great help. The next two pull requests involving documentation were fairly straightforward and much that was done was through setting up the project and understanding what the code was doing. Both were smaller projects and I hope they continue to develop. Before starting off with Release 0.2, I thought that I would be forced to work on only big projects. But these small projects still exist and some are looking for help. One of the greatest challenges that I’ve had is getting the code that’s functioning on my machine to pass through the tests in the repo. It’s akin to submitting work through Seneca’s matrix. You may think that you’ve completed all the work just right only for a bunch of errors to show up during the build. I’ll try to get more experience with interpreting the logs from these compilers. Since I found OpenRefine to be a good experience, I may try looking more into their project and contributing more to it. And if not with this repo, I’ll need to try and expand further and learn to be more discerning of what issues to tackle so that I’m not overwhelmed but am still challenged. I still have to build my skills and my confidence to be able to contribute more meaningfully.

